Temperatures in the Valle de Lema were similar to their historical average (Table 1). Low temperatures occurred in July and August, during the growing period. There were 21 days along the reproductive period with temperatures above 30°C: one day in July, two in August and September, nine in October and nine in November.

Aphids were reported at early heading but they were timely controlled; there was no occurrence of other diseases.   
Crops grew properly despite insufficient irrigation to meet environment demand. 
Fifteen days before harvest frost led to the loss of grains and stems, affecting 2021 yields.


Wheat Analysis

Parameters Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Variation Coefficient
Test Weight (kg/hl) 82,10 83,10 82,54 0,39 0,47
Total Damaged Kernels(%)​ 0,10 0,40 0,22 0,11 51,52
Foreign Material(%) 0,26 0,40 0,32 0,06 19,68
Shrunken and Broken Kernels(%) 0,30 0,44 0,33 0,05 16,32
Yellow Berry Kernels(%)​ 2,06 3,64 3,22 0,59 18,37
Protein (13,5% Moisture)(%) 9,9 10,2 10,1 0,1 1,12
Protein(dry basis)(%) 11,4 11,8 11,7 0,1 1,12
Weight of 1000 Kernels(g) 34,39 34,96 34,54 0,21 0,62
Ash (% dry basis(%)​ 1,706 1,758 1,737 0,019 1,12

Grade Distribution


Flour Analysis

Parameters Parameters Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Variation Coefficient


Gluten Húmedo (%) 21,2 22,7 21,9 0,6 2,69
Gluten Seco (%) 7,9 8,4 8,1 0,2 2,62
Falling Number (seg) 366 412 388 21 5,31
Rto. Harina (%) 69,9 72,1 71,2 1,0 1,45
Cenizas (s.s.s)(%) 0,516 0,629 0,577 0,050 8,70


Absorción de Agua (14 % H)(%) 60,0 65,5 62,4 2,5 4,07
Tiempo de Desarrollo (min) 5,1 16,2 10,6 4,6 43,66
Estabilidad (min) 26,1 36,2 31,8 4,7 14,81
Aflojamiento (12 min) 3 8 6 2 39,92


P (mm) 115 131 123 6 5,24
L (mm) 37 50 43 5 11,86
W joules X 10 4 205 235 219 12 5,48
P / L 2,30 3,54 2,94 0,51 17,20

Appendix Of Locality Composite Samples

Sample Identification Wheats Analysis
Sample Number Locality, District or Department Tonnaje Grade Test Weight (Kg/hl) Total Damaged Kernels (%) Foreign Material (%) Shrunken And Broken Kernels (%) Yellow Berry Kernels (%) Protein (MOISTURE 13,5 % H°) (%) Protein (dry basis) (%) Weight Of 1000 Kernels (g) Ash (dry basis) (%)​
4 Salta 2000 2 83,10 0,40 0,30 0,44 2,06 9,9 11,4 34,96 1,706
5 Salta 4000 1 82,10 0,10 0,40 0,30 3,38 10,2 11,8 34,48 1,732
6 Tucumán 4000 2 82,70 0,24 0,26 0,31 3,64 10,1 11,7 34,39 1,758

Appendix Of Locality Composite Samples

Sample Identification Flour Analysis
Sample Number Locality, District or Department Milling Farinogram Alveogram
Wet Gluten (%) Dry Gluten (%) Falling Number (SEC.) Flour Yield (%)​ Ash (dry basis) (%) % WA (14 % H°) D. T. (min.) Stability (min.) Degree Softening (12 min.) P (mm) L (mm) W joules x 10 P / L
4 Salta 22,7 8,4 386 72,1 0,629 60,0 16,2 36,2 7 115 50 235 2,30
5 Salta 21,2 7,9 366 69,9 0,516 65,5 5,1 26,1 8 131 37 205 3,54
6 Tucumán 22,2 8,2 412 72,0 0,612 60,5 13,4 35,4 3 120 45 225 2,67